“Patterns in a variety of materials” was the title of the project for the kids by ceramist Tove Skov Larsen and myself. “Grimmermosehuset” with its outdoor facilities right on the shore of Lillebælt housed us. The sun was shining, and the kids working hard.
Ødis skole.
Forårssemesteret 2017 var keramiker Tove Skov Larsen og jeg huskunstnere på Ødis Skole. Alle børnene fra 1. – 5. klasse deltog.
The two of us, Tove Skov Larsen, ceramics, and I, spent spring at Ødis Skole as artist in residense. All the kids from 1st. – 5th. grade took part.
Australien. Digital skaftestyring
ANU, School of Arts, Canberra, Australien
I 1997 var jeg i to måneder huskunstner på Australian National University (ANU), School of Arts i Canberra. Her fik jeg en AVL væv med digital skaftestyring til rådighed midt blandt de studerende. Universitetet tilbød bolig og værkstedsplads og mulighed for lidt lønnet undervisning. Der var kun få computere til rådighed, men når jeg stod tidligt op, kunne jeg være færdig med at taste de digitale hulkort ind, før de studerende kom. Der kunne arbejdes på værkstederne hele natten, og både de studerende og jeg tilbragte mange timer der.
In 1997 I spent two months as artist in residence in Australian National University (ANU), School of Arts in Canberra. I had the use of an AVL loom with digital shaft control placed right among the students´ looms. The university offered me a flat, workshop facilities, plus the possibility of paid teaching. There were but few computers available, but if I got up early, I was able to finish my digital punch cards before the students turned up. The school was open all night, and both the students and I spent long hours there.
Sturt, Mittagong, Australien
I 2010 var jeg tilbage i Australien. Denne gang tre måneder på Sturt, en organisation til fremme af kunsthåndværk med værksteder for tekstil, træ, metal, keramik og foto samt en huskunstner ordning. Der var også en butik, som solgte det bedste kunsthåndværk fra hele Australien, også det der blevet lavet på værkstederne, samt en café. Sturt ligger klods op af en privat pigeskole i den lille by Mittagong med gode togforbindelser til Sydney og Canberra. De tilbød værkstedsplads og bolig, samt et legat til at dække kost og lidt til materialer. Der var også mulighed for lønnet undervisning. Klokken fire var alle gået hjem og før solnedgang stemte cikaderne pludseligt i med et kæmpe kor. Det blev lange, gode dage og aftener på værkstedet.
In 2010 I was back in Australia; this time three months at Sturt, an organization that works to promote contemporary arts and crafts with workshops for textiles, wood, metal, ceramics , photography and a program for visiting artists. There was also a shop that sold the best handicraft products from all of Australia, plus a café. Sturt is situated right next to a private school for girls in the small town of Mittagong, which has a good train connection to Sydney and Canberra. Sturt offered me a flat and workshop facilities, plus a grant to cover food and some materials. There were also possibilities for paid teaching. At four p.m. everybody had gone home and just before sunset the cicadas began their impressive singing – long, good days and evenings spent in the workshop.